
Hello! Welcome to my site. I’m currently putting it through a rewiring (or perhaps a rewilding) to give it new direction and purpose. My life has changed quite a lot since I created the site for sharing my DIY sound adventures, and in truth I haven’t pursued them for some time. The new direction might be more focused on writing, and the purpose will likely revolve more around my involvement in communities and activism. I don’t plan on removing any existing content, so the DIY pages will remain – I may even return to them at some point. For now, enjoy your stay! – Aidan

Electric Noodle Box® is my brand of electronics DIY in music and noise making. There is a rich history of DIY experiments in the world of guitar pedals and synthesizers, and equally rich story about the humans that construct and compose with these artefacts – the goal of Electric Noodle Box is to build upon and contribute to this, and to help you get involved to make noise machines of your own!

Comments section is maintained on each page and dialogue is welcome on anything you see. You can find out more about me by clicking on the About page.